Former Tripura chief minister and leader of Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP) Biplab Kumar Deb was involved in a high-speed accident on Monday. The minister was travelling on the Grand Trunk road and was passing through Panipat, Haryana when the incident happened. Deb and his aides escaped unhurt from the accident.
Biplab Deb, who is currently a Rajya Sabha MP and is in charge of BJP Haryana was travelling from Delhi to Chandigarh. The accident happened between Samalkha and Panipat according to the police. Deputy Superintendent of Police (Samalkha) Om Prakash said that no one got injured.
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According to the information, another was stopped on the highway after a tyre puncture. Biplab Deb’s car was coming at a high speed and rammed into the stationary car. There are no reports of injuries from the occupants of the other car as well. The impact on the driver’s side caused a tyre burst in Deb’s car but there is no significant damage to the vehicle.
Biplab Deb was travelling in a Mahindra XUV700. While it looks like a top-end variant with ADAS, it is highly likely that the features were turned off. Many people do not like the interference that Advanced Driving Assistance Systems (ADAS) do to driving. That is why they prefer to turn it off. ADAS could have avoided the accident by detecting the stationary car and applying Autonomous Emergency Brakes (AEB).
ADAS can also warn the drivers about the stationary objects in the lane ahead before applying the autonomous emergency brakes. There is no official statement from Biplab Deb’s office or BJP office on the matter yet.
Use the reflective warning triangle
All the cars are equipped with reflective warning triangles that should be used in such a situation. In case of a breakdown, take out the triangle from the car and set it up by unfolding it. It is an easy-to-set-up warning sign that you can use to warn other drivers about the stationary car.
Such triangles or warning signs should be kept a few metres away from the car so that other car drivers spot the warning and slow down. While it is not mandatory by law to put the warning triangle, it sure is the best way to avoid any accident, especially on highways where there are plenty of high-speed vehicles.
In many developed countries, anyone who is in such a situation and is out of the vehicle also requires to wear a high-visibility jacket. India remains very high on the list of accidents in a country. Many road accidents also turn fatal. While the Indian government has made the laws stricter in the hope to bring down the number of accidents, the enforcement of the laws remains a problem.
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