Ola S1 Pro electric scooter recalled by Ola Electric to replace front suspension

After numerous incidents of the front suspension arms getting broken, the largest electric scooter manufacturer in India Ola Electric has finally addressed the issue and has now provided a solution. The company recently shared a picture on its social media platforms informing all the owners that they can now get their front suspension replaced with a more sturdy new double front fork suspension.

The company in its official statement stated, “Thank you for being a part of Mission Electric. In just over 12 months, the Ola S1 community has emerged as the biggest EV community in India with more than 200,000 members. Recently, there have been some concerns amongst the community around the safety of the front fork arm. We assure you that this is unfounded, At Ola, all components of our scooters including the front fork arm are thoroughly tested under extreme conditions and are engineered with a factor of safety much higher than the typical loads encountered on vehicles”

It further added, ” However, as part of our continuous engineering and design improvement process, we have recently upgraded the front fork design to enhance the durability and strength even further. To alleviate any concerns that you or any of our community members might have, we are giving an option to our customers to upgrade to the new front fork. For a seamless and hassle free experience, you can book an appointment at your nearest Ola Experience Centre or Service Centre before visiting. This upgrade will be free of cost and the appointment window will open starting 22nd March. We will reach out to you with a detailed process for booking an appointment soon.”

This response from Ola Electric is of utmost importance because it shows that the community of owners of a specific brands product can make them change something that is extremely wrong and dangerous. For those unaware recently in January, a petition on Change.org was made and was signed by numerous people which requested Ola Electric to rectify the issue of front suspensions breaking.

Ola S1 Pro recalled to replace front suspension: Customers can upgrade to new fork from 22nd March

The petition stated, “Dear OLA Electric, We, the undersigned, are writing to express our grave concern and disappointment regarding the recurring issue of suspension breakage while riding your electric scooters. As customers, we have invested in your products with the expectation of a safe and reliable mode of transportation. However, the frequent breakage of the suspension system on your scooters has not only put our safety at risk, but also resulted in costly repairs and inconvenience.”

Further the petition also stated, “As consumers, we have the right to know about the safety of the products we are considering purchasing. We demand that OLA take immediate action to release a crash test video and conduct regular safety tests, in order to ensure the safety of its customers. As loyal customers, we expect nothing less than the highest standards of safety and quality from your company. We urge you to take immediate action to rectify this issue and to ensure that it does not happen again in the future.”

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